Needle-Free Therapy and Herbal Treatments is acupuncture without needles. Just like Traditional Acupuncture, it originated with its roots in 3,000 year-old, traditional Chinese Acupuncture and Medicine, along with reflexology and visceral somatic reflex reaction theories, postulating that all aspects of the human body, mind, and energy are interconnected to one another by several Micro-Meridians (or energy channels) that extend throughout the human body. These ancient and modern medicinal theories assert that the micro-meridians have acu-pressure points positioned at specific locations along those meridians that regulate our internal organs and entire nervous system, including the brain, tissues, muscles and even our skin. All of these elements (acu-pressure points, brain, organs, etc...) are interconnected to one another and affect each other on a deeply cellular level through a constant flow of energy (that is affected by our thoughts and emotions, as well as external influences) and transported through these micro-meridians. Just like our vessels transport blood throughout our body, meridians transport energy throughout our bodies. This energy must be maintained or blockages occur, causing illness and must then be cleared away. The function of Needle-Free Therapy and Herbal Treatments is to stimulate and manipulate corresponding acu-pressure points along these meridians to promote healthy and positive changes to this energy flow or chi; thereby improving one’s health and/or chi.
What to expect
Tiny non-toxic, magnet or non-magnet acu-pellets are placed on specific locations of the body and hands and secured with medical tape. They stay in place for about 24–48 hours. They are reusable, so you can bring them in for your next follow-up treatment for the Doctor to re-place on acupuncture points as needed. The exact spot locations are prescribed by our licensed practitioners based on their diagnosis results, please do not try it at home.
Why it’s perfect for children?
Needle-Free Therapy is perfect for children and any adult that is uncomfortable with needles, because it is a simple and effective, non-invasive procedure without any pain and side effects to the patient. It's a natural and drug-free way to help build immunities and prevent diseases of the whole body and maintain health. It can also safely and effectively treat and cure a wide range of ailments either on its own or as a complement to Western Medicine. In particular, with children, it is highly beneficial in treating: bed wetting, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, gas, asthma, colds/coughs, fever, headaches, problems sleeping, bad dreams, sports injuries (including sprains, strains and other pains), and ear, nose and throat problems., and even Attention Deficit Disorder.
Initial Treatment
Follow-Up Visit Acu-pellet after Acupuncture |
$30 $15 |