Based on the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), each person is treated as a whole. Not only are we interconnected on an internal level (Yin, that which is unseen) throughout our bodies, including organs and tissues, but we are also deeply connected between the mind, body, and spirit, as well as the environment or external world (Yang, that which is seen). This is why each patient may be treated differently even with same conditions or symptoms. We diagnosis your health conditions based on whole body healing principle to guide their treatment plan, whether that be acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, acupressure or herbal formulas.
Our practitioners at Life Essentials Center are results-oriented, and we always suggest the most cost effective treatment plan and/or options for our patients. This section of our site will provide you with patient testimonials, reviews, results, and forms for reviews and testimonials. We appreciate your insights and your time as we are here to serve you.
Our practitioners at Life Essentials Center are results-oriented, and we always suggest the most cost effective treatment plan and/or options for our patients. This section of our site will provide you with patient testimonials, reviews, results, and forms for reviews and testimonials. We appreciate your insights and your time as we are here to serve you.
Common Results
Decreased sadness and worry
Increased joy and positiviy
Decreased stress and anxiety
Increased relaxation
Increased energy levels and motivation
Significantly Improved sleep patterns and quality of sleep
Improved skin complexion
And much more!
Increased joy and positiviy
Decreased stress and anxiety
Increased relaxation
Increased energy levels and motivation
Significantly Improved sleep patterns and quality of sleep
Improved skin complexion
And much more!
Optimize Your Results
There are many factors that can effect your treatment results, such as the history and complexity of your condition, your practitioner's experience, skill and mind set, and your commitment to your treatment plan and your mindset. Your trust and cooperation with your practioner is of utmost importance in obtaining optimal results in your customized treatment. For the best results, we recommend fully commit to your treatment plan that our practitioners have provided to you.