Cosmetic Acupuncture (or facial rejuvenation) is an inexpensive and minimally invasive solution to looking younger and feeling younger. It was first discovered, with its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine, as a means to treat deep and superficial facial conditions in the treatment of stroke and bell’s palsy patients by stimulating specific acupuncture points, wherein, getting to the root cause of the symptoms and working from the inside out. Cosmetic acupuncture is a safe, natural and highly effective way to preserve youthful skin, beautify the face, reverse the aging process, and treat more profound skin diseases while improving your overall health. It’s a holistic alternative that offers lasting solutions to these issues and other more severe skin conditions. You will notice, however, that our new and improved cosmetic acupuncture techniques (although it follows all of the founding principles of traditional Chinese medicine) are somewhat different from traditional cosmetic acupuncture techniques.
With Cosmetic Acupuncture, you can achieve instantaneous results. You will not only feel younger and look younger; you will actually be healthier and more vibrant. The placement and movement of the needles create intentional and controlled injury (minor injury) just beneath the surface of the skin. This intentional injury causes white blood cells to gather around the affected area, whereby increasing white blood cell count and promoting a stronger and more supportive “immune system.” In addition to improved health, the process creates new collagen to grow around the affected area to “heal” the cells where the needles were inserted. This new collagen gives your skin a newer, more vibrant and youthful look and feel that everyone will notice. It can also be useful in the treatment of eye edema, glaucoma, dry eye, wind tears, migraines, trigeminal neuralgia, facial paralysis, facial muscle spasms, eye and/or facial twitching, and much more. Other marked benefits of cosmetic acupuncture are a direct result of the way the acupuncture works. Cosmetic acupuncture works at the root cause, improving your metabolism, clearing and balancing primary energy centers and meridians, restoring blood flow, rejuvenating blood vessels, and even healing and preventing disease. With cosmetic acupuncture there is virtually no “downtime” with immediate physically visible results. In treating wrinkles with facial rejuvenation, it’s important to understand that wrinkles typically have two primary stages. First to appear are pseudo or false wrinkles, which are small wrinkles in the skin that reduce the moisture generated by subcutaneous fat in the skin that leads the second stage of wrinkles, known as true wrinkles or elastic facial fiber atrophy. In either stage, acupuncture treatments stimulate and increase skin function, while increasing and maintaining healthy levels of moisture and healthy skin fat, leaving your skin looking and feeling younger, healthier, and more vibrant. The results from this treatment are achieved by improving your health from the inside out. The cosmetic results are a secondary benefit. Look better and feel better. Holistic Micro-Needling/Skin NeedlingMicro-Needling or Skin Needling has been performed for thousands of years in China for health treatments and cosmetic purposes. Modern micro-needling tools are transformed from the traditional 7 star needle which can be perfectly adapted into the traditional theories and principles of acupuncture. This provides a fantastic holistic therapy with excellent scientific evidence of effectiveness, safe and high patient compliance. By combining ancient principles of acupuncture with modern micro-needling it is possible to treat most scars, stretch marks, hair loss, cellulite and most common effects of aging, etc. more effectively and naturally. Micro-Needling can be performed on any skin type.
Micro-needling, also referred to as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure that uses a multi-needle instrument to apply controlled affliction to the dermis and epidermis that initiates the growth of new collagen. Each tiny puncture sends a message to the body to fill these microscopic wounds with new collagen and elastin. Through this process there is improvement in skin texture and firmness, as well as a reduction in scars, pore size, and fine lines and wrinkles. This is usually the preferred method of treatment for most, as it can be done on areas of skin that may not be suitable for peeling or laser resurfacing, such as around the eyes and mouth, hands, and chest. The procedure is well tolerated by patients with minimal downtime, and can be easily personalized by going deeper on some areas where skin damage requires a more concentrate and intensive approach. The number of needling sessions depends on the individual skin condition. Three or four treatments may be recommended for mild to moderate acne scarring, whereas deeper scars and stretch marks may require upward of five treatments. An interval of 4 to 6 weeks between treatments is typically recommended. This treatment is performed at Life Essentials Center for Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, by a highly trained acupuncturist with 20+ years of experience. Common Cosmetic Issues We Treat
Forehead Lines
Smile Lines Neck Lines Cheek Lines Other Fine Lines and Wrinkles Under-Eye Bags Facial Depression (Sunken Eyes, Cheeks, etc.) Facial Deformities, Uneven Features Scar Reduction Stretch Mark Reduction Hyper-pigmentation or Age Spots Premature Skin Aging Hair Loss and Acne Crow's Feet Nose Grooves Its BenefitsIt's Safe!It’s safe, fast and effective, and it’s natural and healthy. With Cosmetic Acupuncture there is no surgery, no injections, no scarring, no lumps, and virtually no side effects, with the exception of the occasional bruising around the affected area; however, these heal relatively fast within less than a week.
It Improves Health and WellnessThe results from this treatment are achieved by improving tissue and cellular health from the inside out. The cosmetic results are a secondary benefit, so you will both look better and feel better.
It's Fast and Effective!
The average treatment is as long as 1-2 hours, depending on the age and health of the client , and the desired results can generally be achieved within 1-4 treatments.
For Micro-Needling an interval of 4-6 weeks between treatments is typically recommended. FAQ's
How long are the treatments?Average treatments last 1 - 2 hours (depending on age, health, and individual needs)
How long until I will see results?Desired results being achieved within 1 - 4 treatments
What can I expect after treatment?Occasional bruising around the affected area; however, these heal relatively fast within less than a week and we will provide you with after care instructions.