Herbal Formulas are a vital component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At Life Essentials, we take pride in providing you with the highest quality herbal formulas available. We use processed granular herbs, pills and tablets made by GMP certified manufacturers, such as Treasure of the East Herbs and Active Herb, to ensure the best quality and safety for you. Our herbs are easy and convenient to use. If you are on the go or planning on traveling soon, the herbal pills and tablets are easy and convenient to take with you, but if you require more serious treatment, the powdered formulas are best for fastest results.
With Traditional Chinese Medicine, each person is treated as a whole. The human body's organs and tissues are interconnected internally while the mindbody is connected to and affected by the universe which surrounds it. Each person is unique and is treated accordingly. Even if you display the same conditions or symptoms as another person, you may be given an entirely different treatment plan and herbs based on your unique needs. Our experienced TCM practitioners diagnose and treat your health conditions based on holistic healing principles, whether acupuncture or herbal therapy. You can be sure all elements are considered in the healing process.
Both Dr. Jing Shen and Dr. Julian Zhu are NCCAOM national certified herbologists. For the best treatment results, any time you require herbs, they will prepare customized herbal formulas specifically designed for you. The effectiveness of these formulas is directly related to the practitioners’ ability to prescribe the correct combination based on the correct pattern diagnosis. Custom blending by our practitioners sets us apart from over-the-counter or pre-formulated herbs. Your herbal formula may be changed as your condition improves. For optimal results, acupuncture and Chinese herbs work together to safely and effectively improve your health. Acupuncture stimulates specific points to release blocked energy and restore its flow while the herbs work at a cellular level.
With Traditional Chinese Medicine, each person is treated as a whole. The human body's organs and tissues are interconnected internally while the mindbody is connected to and affected by the universe which surrounds it. Each person is unique and is treated accordingly. Even if you display the same conditions or symptoms as another person, you may be given an entirely different treatment plan and herbs based on your unique needs. Our experienced TCM practitioners diagnose and treat your health conditions based on holistic healing principles, whether acupuncture or herbal therapy. You can be sure all elements are considered in the healing process.
Both Dr. Jing Shen and Dr. Julian Zhu are NCCAOM national certified herbologists. For the best treatment results, any time you require herbs, they will prepare customized herbal formulas specifically designed for you. The effectiveness of these formulas is directly related to the practitioners’ ability to prescribe the correct combination based on the correct pattern diagnosis. Custom blending by our practitioners sets us apart from over-the-counter or pre-formulated herbs. Your herbal formula may be changed as your condition improves. For optimal results, acupuncture and Chinese herbs work together to safely and effectively improve your health. Acupuncture stimulates specific points to release blocked energy and restore its flow while the herbs work at a cellular level.
Powdered Formulas Vs. Pills & Tablets: What's the difference?
Powdered granule formulas are used as a decoction and dissolved in hot water. The powder is more potent and enters the blood stream faster than herbal pills. Powdered formulas are prescribed for more serious conditions as they provide more rapid relief from any symptoms or conditons you may be experiencing at the time of your visit. We always recommend you eat something prior to drinking any powdered herbal decoction we provide you.
Herbal pills and tablets are taken with hot/warm water. They are milder and take longer to enter the blood stream than powdered granules. Herbal pills are prescribed for less serious conditions and are typically used to maintain your health and as daily supplements for a healthy, balance lifestyle. You do not need to eat anything prior to taking the herbal pills, however, we always recommend a little nutrition to ensure balanced glucose levels before any herb is taken.
Treasure of the East Herbs
"Treasures of the East Herbs considers quality control of raw materials as top priority. The quality of materials is closely related to their places of origin, harvesting season, processing method and sotrage conditions. Beside use raw herbs from our own GAP plantations, raw herbs are sourced through established relationships with farms and production regions in China. Many individual herbs come from GAP cetified farms or ethically wild-crafted sources and many raw herbs are directly from classical origins. Tests in authentication are conducted to detect any Heavy-metals, Pesticide Residues, falvacin and suldfer dioxide and sulfure is never used on the incoming raw herbs."
~ Treasure of the East Herbs ~
~ Treasure of the East Herbs ~
"ActiveHerb Technology, Inc. was founded with one goal in mind: to develop and sell the best Chinese herbal medicines available. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a rich history that spans thousands of years. Even today, the ancient practices of TCM are an integral part of China's national healthcare system. Here at ActiveHerb we believe that TCM can function as a beneficial complement to modern Western medicine. With soaring healthcare costs and disappointing developments with new drugs, TCM represents a profound opportunity to maintain health and wellness, without the cost or side effects of Western medicine."
~ActiveHerb Chairman, Sheldon Li, Ph.D.~
~ActiveHerb Chairman, Sheldon Li, Ph.D.~
Are Chinese herbs effective?
Is it safe to take several Chinese medicines at once?
Yes, but since each herbal formula is a combination of several herbs (combining several formulas), it makes it very difficult for you to know how the herb interactions will affect the body; therefore, we highly suggest you consult with a certified TCM practioner prior to taking any chinese herbal therapy formula(s). Do Chinese herbs have side effects? Like their Western medicine counterparts, Chinese herbs may sometimes have undesired side effects, but it is much more rare and less severe than most Western medicine. Following your practioner's directions carefully will help prevent unwanted side effects. The herbal formulas I received have a distinctive odor and/or taste. Is this normal? Yes, it’s normal. Herbs often have a distinctive natural odor, pleasant-smelling in most cases and if taken in powder form with hot water, the taste can often be bitter. Do not add anything to your hot herbal therapy to alter the taste. Take it as is for optimal results. How long do I need to take the herbs? The duration varies based on the concern. Just like with prescription drugs, some Chinese herbs can do the job after a few doses, while others are taken for months or longer. For quickly onset concerns like a cold, Chinese medicines can work very fast and take effect within hours. For concerns that are chronic or larger in scope like pain, anxiety, depression, addiction, weight management, etc.., it can take longer to see and feel results, depending on the individual and their needs. |
Why are Chinese herbs taken as a formula instead of as a single herb?
Chinese herbs are rarely used individually in clinics. They are used exclusively in herbal formulas where multiple herbs are combined. These combinations are designed to boost an herb’s effectiveness, address several maladies at once, or to counter potential side effects. What are the available forms of herbal formulas? The common forms of herbal formulas are Tang (means decoction drink), San (fine powder), Wan (pills), Pian (tablets). Tang or San is the original form from which Wan or pian is derived. Tang is the most effective type, but involves individual formulation and decoction, which is a complicated process. What is the difference between our Herbs and most Chinese Herbs? Several American companies produce some popular Chinese herbs such as Dong Gui (Dang Gui) or Shou Wu (Fo-Ti). These herbs are produced by simply grinding the single herbs into powder with no extraction process to separate the inactive ingredients. This is an inferior process and often causes undesired side effects and compromises the effectiveness of the pure herb. |