Traditional Chinese medical treatments can be very effective if treatment is pursued early. Both acupuncture and customized herbal therapy take a holistic approach accounting for mental, physical, and environmental factors.
Traditional Chinese medicine understands health in terms of life force or energy, so its goal is to build real health from the inside out. This means the quality of a man’s health is totally related to the amount and quality of his Qi or Energy, especially Kidney energy. The Kidney holds the original energy we were born with and declines naturally as we age. Without this organ in good shape energy-wise, it’s very difficult for men to be strong and enjoy good health.
Traditional Chinese medicine understands health in terms of life force or energy, so its goal is to build real health from the inside out. This means the quality of a man’s health is totally related to the amount and quality of his Qi or Energy, especially Kidney energy. The Kidney holds the original energy we were born with and declines naturally as we age. Without this organ in good shape energy-wise, it’s very difficult for men to be strong and enjoy good health.
Common Men's Issues TCM Treats
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or Impotence
Premature Ejaculation
Low Sperm Count
Diminished Sperm Motility
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Testicular Pain
Male Infertility
Male Climacteric
Hair loss and graying
Back and neck problems
Knee problems
Muscular tension
Sport injuries
Urinary problems
Sexual and prostate function issues
Premature Ejaculation
Low Sperm Count
Diminished Sperm Motility
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Testicular Pain
Male Infertility
Male Climacteric
Hair loss and graying
Back and neck problems
Knee problems
Muscular tension
Sport injuries
Urinary problems
Sexual and prostate function issues
Please note: overdoing and over-thinking sex can lead to a Kidney and prostate issues. Kidney problems can also arise from excessive fear, over-exercising and/or overworking.
Common Male Sexual Dysfunctions
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help treat various male disorders. Kidneys are the main focus of treating all male disorders; although other organ systems can be and are often involved (such as liver, spleen, bladder, and heart), but the kidneys are usually at the core of the problem. One of the kidneys major functions, is storing Jing or life essence. Jing is one of three treasures, with Qi (or energy) and Shen (spirit) being the other two. "The life-giving processes of nature are manifest in the concept of Jing. It can be understood as the sap of life, the irreducible essence that contains all the critical ingredients needed to make new life that shares characteristics with its source." Jing has a direct connection with sperm in men, you can see why premature ejaculation and other sexual disorders are important to treat.
As a man ages, Jing naturally depletes. For instance, when a man turns 40, the decline of kidney energy, along with Jing or life essence begins; hence, Men experience their own kind of Men-opause as they age. This is different then that experienced by woman as there is no single physiological change.
As a man ages, Jing naturally depletes. For instance, when a man turns 40, the decline of kidney energy, along with Jing or life essence begins; hence, Men experience their own kind of Men-opause as they age. This is different then that experienced by woman as there is no single physiological change.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or Impotence
ED, formerly called impotence, is a topic that is not commonly discussed and throughout history has been a topic about which most do not speak; however, the inability of performing sexually can interfere with a man’s self esteem and confidence leading to frustration, dissatisfaction, and other detrimental thoughts and emotions toward himself, life, and others.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture can provide a safe, natural alternative to helping men with this disorder. The practitioner makes a diagnosis based on Chinese medical theory and then determines whether acupuncture and/or customized herbal medicine will be the best means of treatment. Treatment plans generally range from a minimum of 10 - 20 sessions at once per week.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture can provide a safe, natural alternative to helping men with this disorder. The practitioner makes a diagnosis based on Chinese medical theory and then determines whether acupuncture and/or customized herbal medicine will be the best means of treatment. Treatment plans generally range from a minimum of 10 - 20 sessions at once per week.
Premature Ejaculation (PE)
ED and PE are the most common of men's health issues. Often times, the causes of Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction are close related, so treatment strateges can be and are often similar. The treatment for these will be determined by your assessment and diagnosis.
For best treatment results, both conditions require combination of acupuncture and customized herbal formulas at Life Essentials TCM Center.
For best treatment results, both conditions require combination of acupuncture and customized herbal formulas at Life Essentials TCM Center.