Pain Management and Scoliosis How can acupuncture help you? Acupuncture can help with pain management in many different ways. It is proven to have quick results, so you can begin to feel balanced and healthy in just a few sessions! Acupuncture is a safe and effective option for many treatments, some might even surprise you! It is true that often acupuncture is a person’s last resort, but little do you know, after people struggle to manage pain with surgery and other alternatives, they come to acupuncture/TCM and find a huge difference. I have seen firsthand the significant improvement individuals feel after just a few sessions at our acupuncture clinic! Below are photos showing the before and after effects of acupuncture on people with scoliosis. Believe or not, scoliosis is actually very common. Many ergonomic issues can cause scoliosis just matter of severity. If you sit at a desk all day long your spine starts shifting and muscle and the nerve become imbalanced. Acupuncture helps get those muscles and nerves back into place, shifting your body back into alignment. As your body begins to align again, the pain will fade away, and as your physical body begins to feel better, so will your mind. You can see just how much of a difference acupuncture made, without an invasive procedure, or years of therapy. Here is another photo showing that long periods of sitting and leaning on your side can actually change your feet, creating an imbalance in your entire body. After just four sessions with acupuncture the results are incredible! 5
Acupuncture Explained Acupuncture is used worldwide to control pain and other conditions. It involves the stimulation of points on your body using a number or techniques. However, the most scientifically studied method consists of the insertion of thin, metallic needles into your skin that are manually manipulated through stimulation. Traditional Chinese medicine holds that optimal health depends on an internal balance of energy forces, called yin and yang. Yin stands for slow, passive energy; while, yang represents excited, active energy in your body. According to this theory, an imbalance of these forces promotes disease by blocking pathways, or meridians, that allow the unrestricted flow of vital energy, or qi, throughout your body. Acupuncture aims to unblock your vital energy flow by targeting specific points on your body related to these meridians. Pain Management Reviews I went to Dr. Shen four times. The acupuncture I received fixed my knee pain with just one visit, when i have been working with therapy for over a month having to repeat a 30 minute routine daily to keep it away. She also reduced the pain in my wrist and increased how fast I was healing! ---Adam D My second time to get ITBS treated. 3 seating’s and pain down to 1/3rd when none of the prescribed narcos worked. ---Hemal S Headaches gone. Lower back pain gone. Allergies are under control. The nerve simulation is a real thing. It seems to awaken dormant connections within the body. First time trying Chinese medicine and acupuncture and I wish I would've found this sooner. ---Ryan M. See more online reviews Contact us: Hours: Like and follow us (636)-536-4070 Monday-Friday: 9:30 - 5:30 on Facebook! [email protected] Wednesday:10:00 - 5:00 Book Online: Saturday: 9:30 - 1:00 Sunday: Closed
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